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Submitted: 8/14/15 • Approved: 8/15/15 • Last Updated: 3/16/18 • R78247-G0-S3
Born Aug. 21, 1800
Died Apr. 24, 1879
Battle Creek Journal, Wednesday, April 30, 1879
Sunday afternoon the funeral of Mr. Lindley Bowne, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of this section, was held at his late residence in the township of Bedford. There was a large attendance of many persons of prominence being present from this city. The funeral services were conducted in accordance with the usages of the Society of Friends, the characteristic of which is known to be utmost simplicity and indeed the utter absence of all ceremony. Addresses were made on the occasion by Hon. Erastus and Mr. N. Potter, who, belonging to the same Society as the deceased and having been intimately associated with him for many years, paid very appropriate and beautiful tributed to his character and memory.
Lindley Bowne, whose death occurred on Thursday morning last, after along illness, was a native of the city of New York, where he was born on the 21st day of the 8th month (August), 1800. The entire earlier portion of his life was spent in that metropolis, where also he acquired a good acquaintance with business as well as excellent, business habits. In 1886, when he had reached ripe manhood, he came to this State, and settling upon the farm which he occupied at the time of his death, he commenced a new career which proved to be in every sense evidently successful. Though brought up amid the refinements of the city, his resolute character did-not shrink from the rugged severity of pioneer life in the then uncultivated wilderness; and in achieving success this new mode of life, he displayed, those strong and resolute traits for which he was so distinguished among his acquaintances.
A striking feature of his character; also, was shown in his deep devotion to the religious faith which he received and in which educated. He was a most devout member of the Society Of Friends and firm believer in the doctrine of the the "Inward Light" - Christ made manifest in the understanding by and through which every man receives knowledge of duty - the doctrine taught by George Fox, Wm. Penn and other teacher of the Society to which Mr. Bowne belonged. All who knew the deceased during his long career in our midst, will bear witness that he successfully endeavored to carry out the principles which he professed. Peculiarly meek in demeanor, unflinching in integrity, full of love and charity to all mankind, he was a fine exemplification of what peculiar class of religionist with which he was constantly and most conscientiously identified. It should be borne in mind that our particular community owes much to the molding which its character received for the so-called Quaker element which entered so largely into it formation. Battle Creek and its immediate neighborhood contained a large colony of the Society of Friends, of which Mr. Bowne was one of the most earnest and influential members.
In 1840, Mr. Bowne was united in marriage to Miss Mary Tagg, and estimable lady with whom he lives most happily and who survives him. He also leaves five grown up children, two sons and three daughters, to mourn his loss, in common with the entire community by whom he was held in high esteem. His residence of forty years in our midst gave him a very extensive acquaintance to all whom, in his departure, he leaves an unusually pleasant remembrance.
Contributed on 8/14/15
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Record #: 78247